Rallies, Rackets & Recommendations: Serving up - Off the Court- Tennis Tips for Ladies Rec League Players

Stop the Drama Mama!  (Part 2)

Even if you don't always start the drama- these 4 tips will STILL help you enjoy the match!  



  • So, remember those questions I asked last week:  (Check out that blog)
    1. Do you genuinely have fun during a match? Like, fun that doesn’t depend on a win?
    2. Do you find yourself arguing…a lot?
    3. Is your partner enjoying herself, or have you noticed she might look a little uncomfortable?
    4. Do you come off the court thinking, “Wow, that was a good match with some amazing rallies!” or are you more likely to be muttering about arguments and poor line calls?

If you’re nodding along to ANY of these then—just sometimes—it’s not all “them.” It might actually be…you.

But here’s the great news: if it’s you, that means you can fix it. Imagine coming off the court after a competitive match where you still have fun, respect your opponents, and feel good about the game and the win.

No one’s asking you to never question a line call—let’s be real, even the pros rely on Hawk-Eye for a reason. But if you’re the one whipping up a storm over every close call, it might be worth considering a new approach.

Here are 4 Tips for Dialing Down the Drama:

    1. Awareness – Start with a little self-reflection. And yes this is the same pointer as last week. But do you see a trend yet? : you can’t fix what you don’t admit. Maybe the other players aren’t always the issue. Maybe, just maybe, you’re adding a bit to the chaos out there. Recognizing that’s half the battle!
    2. Change Your Perspective on Opponents – Stop treating them like they’re the enemy. Yes, they’re opponents, but they’re also ladies who love tennis just like you. I have played with SO MANY partners whose vibe from the get go is ENEMY. They’re not the villain in your life’s tennis drama; they’re here for a great match, too. So approach the game with a little less “Game of Thrones” energy, and you might find the whole vibe feels better.
    3. Strive for Certainty in Line Calls – Let’s talk about those close calls. Ladies- They are never going away. And angles, sun, speed and also spin on the ball- all play a part. If the ball’s so close that it’s almost invisible to the naked eye, maybe let it go. Instead of, “Eh, close enough, it’s out,” try playing with the goal of certainty. Just one match with this mindset, and see how it affects the vibe on court. You might be surprised at how much less tense things feel.And when your opponent sees (and its obvious ) that  you are going for certainty they are also much less to give you the inevitable ARE YOU SURE? 
    4. Is really a question to consider Does it have to be win at all costs? Ladies, You Hold the Power- can we please re consider this? We’re all competitive, no question. But the goal here even tho we all WANT to win;  its to win while also enjoying the game and respecting the players across the net. The world is a little wild these days, and for most of us, tennis is our escape from that craziness. Imagine if each of us committed to making the court a place of good competition and good vibes. A place where we all walk off the court smiling and say great match. Ahhh sounds so nice right? 

And, yes, some players may feel this message a bit more than others. If you’re a “win at all costs” kind of player who usually leaves the court fuming, I challenge you to try these tips just once. Just see how it feels to step off the court without the court drama frustratoin.

 Let’s face it: doubles is more fun with people who give it their best, keep it positive and follow these tips!

November 24, 2024 — kim wojnowich

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